My pen, my friend, why are you calling?
Forgotten on my desk for days
I see you there, I hear your squalling
I have no time for your delays
Essential duties consume my leisure
I try to block you from my mind
But you keep crying with displeasure
The muse inside me to unbind
I long to hold you in my hand
Through you to let my soul unravel
To take you to exotic lands
To new dimensions let you travel
But bills are piling on my table
My calendar is fit to burst
To greet you only I am able
For chores again have me submersed
So, you keep crying there emphatic
And I keep longing for a chance
To live a life way less pragmatic
And take my friend out for a dance
If freedom comes, I wonder when
A time when dues are lastly paid
But will the muse be still awake then
I ponder in the night, afraid.
I pleased that you still use a pen! 😃 . Great piece. Keep recording !